The baseball game was over. The concert was in full-swing along the first base line while staff tidied up the rest of the infield. So why did two kids running across the outfeild merit being tackled, punched and apparently arrested?
Yes, it is clearly stated in the Fan Ground Rules in the Chase Field portion of the Diamondbacks' web site that "guests...going on to the field will be ejected and subject to arrest." Of course, those same rules also refer to interfering with balls in play or the game, so their post-game application is debatable.
The rules appeared to be selectively applied at the post-game concert. To be fair, Roger did try to keep it clean, but some foul language managed to sneak in. He was also handed at least two drinks, one apparently a shot of tequila, from audience members, so I won't even hazard a guess as to how many people appeared intoxicated but weren't thrown out. More significantly, several rows of VIP seating were actually set up along the first base line between the stadium seating the the stage meaning the management knew there would be fans on the field.
Why then did two kids running across the outfield merit such abuse?
Sure, the guy might have embarrassed the security guard or cop (I'm not sure which they were) initially chasing them because he easily outdistanced him. There was no way the girl was going to outrun the guy chasing her and she knew it. She kept looking over her shoulder, knowing it was just a matter of time before she was caught. Throwing a tackle that would have brought down a 250-pound professional football player to stop a 110-pound teenager was a bit extreme. After seeing the treatment his girlfriend recieved, it's hardly surprising that the guy tried to elude his chasers even though he clearly had no plans on what to do wen he reached the outfield wall.
His choices are moot since he lost his footing and was pounced on by at least three members of the security force. One, possible the one who had been outrun, could clearly be seen punching the kid.

I didn't get any photos of the actual punches but here another shot showing the pile-up continued even as the young woman was being led off in handcuffs.
It seems a shame to have a great, and free, concert, marred by stupidity. Unfortunately, the Rocer Clyne and the Peacemakers concert after Friday's Diamondbacks-Padres game was. Read more about the positive aspects of the Baseball and the Band on's Phoenix Blog.
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